Customise your new Attix storage space with our range of optional extras to maximise amenity.

- Energy efficient 20W LED blade lights omit a powerful 1710 lumens whilst requiring zero maintenance
- Standard general power outlets (GPOs) installed in your storage area enable opportunities to utilise electronic devices such as CCTV hard drives, modems and vacuums
- Bradford TurboBeams are standard in our dust proof room packages, but can be added to flooring packages or simply installed by themselves to reduce roof space temperatures
- Secure grab rails are dynamic in their positioning and offer additional safety when ascending and descending our attic ladders
- Ladder balustrades ensure safe passage up and down your ladder and around your storage area
- Safety rails provide a handrail extension into the roof space in addition to the handrails that come standard on all of our attic ladders
- Carpet tiles provide an aesthetically pleasing alternative to structural chipboard flooring
- Premium modular shelving units ensure you maximise all space potential within your storage area
- Premium grade storage tubs enable organised and stackable storage of your possessions
LED Lighting


AiroMatic Ventilator

Earthwool Insulation

Carpet Tiles


Turbo Beam

Safety Rail

Grab Rail

Roof Valve


Storage Tubs